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What is Tinnitus, and can I get help with it?

Welcome to the Basingstoke and Area Tinnitus Support Group`s website. This self-supporting charity formed for members to help each other to live with Tinnitus.


It is free to join and participate.


Tinnitus is a stressful and upsetting condition of hearing whooshing, buzzing or other intensely annoying sounds with no external source and is poorly understood. For some, it becomes difficult or impossible to lead a normal life. To learn more click below. 


Material on this site is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice - you should always see your doctor and/or medical professional. 

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Basingstoke and Area Tinnitus Support Group (BAATSG).

The BAATSG was founded in February 2021 to provide help, support and friendship to those with tinnitus in Basingstoke and the surrounding area in North Hampshire. There was a major gap with no such group existing to serve this area. 

Comments from our group members

"I would like to thank you for all the work you and Margaret are doing for the group and also thank the other members who are prepared to take on committees roles. All so well organised and helpful for us all."

"Thank you both for organising the Zoom meeting and for sending the info.


It was a good meeting - interesting to hear other people's experiences and so good that they are so willing to share.  All very helpful."

"I have just read your article in the Basingstoke Gazette about setting up a Tinnitus Support Group in the Basingstoke area.  Like you, I have also suffered with tinnitus for a few years now.  It is noticeably worse when I am stressed and at night.  I live in Alton and would be interested in joining your support group.  I am a strong believer in sharing experiences with others who have the same condition as you."

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